Banff Centre- Part II

So from my last entry, one could imagine that we were all eating a lot. So to offset all the eating and drinking, we hiked into town(in search of more restaurant and bars), or hiked up actual mountains, and played ping-pong(unfortunately, I found out that I am not gifted in the hand eye coordination department. How ironic).

So pictures are in order-

Hiking up Sulphur Mountain
Apparently, mountain goats are not to be fed :(
Maclab with the boys

One of my favorite things that happened was on the last night. After extensive drinking and goodbyes and ping-pong tournaments, I was persuaded(read: forced) to hike up the mountain to watch the sunrise before I had to run to the airport. It was definitely a moment I will never forget, watching the sun come up over the mountains. It was the perfect end to an amazing experience.

The Dawn